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Webinar Replays

Here you can find all our Replays of Online Webinars that were held recently.

DelphiCon 2021: Things That You Don’t Know About JSON in Delphi

Presenter(s): Dion Carlos Mai and Gustavo Mena Barreto

An overview of different ways to deal with JSON in Delphi. How to speed up your time developing JSON parsers. What are New options in TJSONOptions.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Things That You Don’t Know About JSON in Delphi

DelphiCon 2021: APILayer: Features and Connecting with REST

Presenter(s): Victory Fernandes, MSC Engineer, TKS Software

In this talk, we will investigate the resources available in the most diverse APIs made available by APILayer and we will see how easy it is to connect RAD Studio with them through REST calls!

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: APILayer: Features and Connecting with REST

DelphiCon 2021: Building a Web Crawler Using Delphi and Python

Presenter(s): Maico Dal Ri and Dion Carlos Mai

How to get data from websites with Delphi integrated with Python, in one single application. Let's explore the source code of this solution.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Building a Web Crawler Using Delphi and Python

DelphiCon 2021: Using C++Builder to Extend the Reach of Delphi

Presenter(s): David Millington Senior Product Manager, Embarcadero Technologies

Many people know you can mix C++ and Delphi in one app. But not everyone knows how, or even why you might do it. But there are lots of reasons - faster app performance for critical code, using the vast number of open source C or C++ libraries, even just the options a different language approach can give you to solving a programming problem. Join this talk to learn what C++Builder can offer to your Delphi app, and how you can easily make use of it from what feels like native Delphi code.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Using C++Builder to Extend the Reach of Delphi

DelphiCon 2021: Delphi Best Practices: The Top Seven Things you Should be Doing

Presenter(s): Nick Hodges Software Development Manager, Gateway Ticketing Systems

Join Nick in this session on "Delphi Best Practices: The Top Seven Things you Should be Doing".

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Delphi Best Practices: The Top Seven Things you Should be Doing

DelphiCon 2021: Fintech on the Ethereum Blockchain with Delphi

Presenter(s): Jim McKeeth and Stefan van As

Jim McKeeth teams up with Stefan van As to discuss the Ethereum blockchain, Smart Contracts, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Decentralized Apps (dapps), Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and more financial technologies (FinTech), all with practical examples in Delphi. This is a firehose of some of the latest and most exciting technology, and how to reach it all from Delphi.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Fintech on the Ethereum Blockchain with Delphi

DelphiCon 2021: FireDAC: Combining Power and Speed in Cross Platform Database Access (Live Panel)

Presenter(s): Cary Jensen, Jens Fudge and Olaf Monien

Cary Jensen wrote the book when it comes to data access. Join Cary Jensen, along with Olaf Monien, and Jens Fudge for this panel conversation to answer your questions about FireDAC and data access with Delphi.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: FireDAC: Combining Power and Speed in Cross Platform Database Access (Live Panel)

DelphiCon 2021: Invoice Generation via Telegram Bot Using FastReport VCL and Delphi

Presenter(s): Alexander Syrykh

In this session, we will discover the following sections: creating a Telegram Bot with a menu, working with the Telegram Bot API in Delphi, generating invoices using FastReport VCL in PDF format and sending them to a user.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 18 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Invoice Generation via Telegram Bot Using FastReport VCL and Delphi

DelphiCon 2021: Leaving Delphi 7 - A Migration Success Case Study

Presenter(s): Dion Carlos Mai and Rafael Pereira

The strategy, the steps and the challenges of a migration of a project of 2 million lines of code from Delphi 7 to Delphi Seattle done in 6 months, already in production.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 17 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Leaving Delphi 7 - A Migration Success Case Study

DelphiCon 2021: Control Arduino Manipulator Using Delphi and Visuino over WiFi or Bluetooth

Presenter(s): Boian Mitov Mitov Software LLC, Mitov Software LLC

How to program Arduino Manipulator to be controlled from Delphi Desktop or Mobile application over WIFI or Bluetooth.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 17 ,2021

DelphiCon 2021: Control Arduino Manipulator Using Delphi and Visuino over WiFi or Bluetooth