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Diretório de MVP

Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best
William Duarte

William Duarte


Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

William Meyer

William Meyer

Delphi C++Builder InterBase

Location: Alabama, United States

Xavier Martinez Garsaball

Xavier Martinez Garsaball

InterBase Delphi

Location: Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Yilmaz Yoru

Yilmaz Yoru

Delphi C++Builder

Location: Eskisehir, Turkey

Žarko Gajić

Žarko Gajić


Location: Osijek, Croatia

Željko Kovačević

Željko Kovačević

C++Builder Delphi

Location: Rugvica, Croatia

Ziad Allaghi

Ziad Allaghi


Alwathaqi Center

Location: Libya, United Arab Emirates