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Featured Webinar

Modernize your Delphi and C++Builder Windows Applications

Featuring Marco Cantu

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Join programming expert Marco Cantù to learn how Delphi and C++Builder now offer a broad set of new features you might not be taking full advantage of, including FireDAC, REST client components, VCL styling, 64-bit and cloud support. And what about adding full Unicode support and migrating from the BDE?

Topics to be covered in this webinar include:

  • Moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 and 8: Unicode, 64-bit, User Account Control
  • Modernizing your applications: VCL Styles, gestures, new dialogs, enhanced graphic support, Windows 8 Modern UI
  • Modernizing data access: From BDE to FireDAC, Cloud providers, REST client library, using Live Bindings
  • Modernizing your source code: a fast roundup of what's new in the language
  • Going multi-platform with FMX (build single source applications for desktop and mobile platforms)

Technology is moving fast, don't fall behind. Attend this webinar and get the information you need to modernize your Windows applications and deliver the best user experience.


Companies around the world are now moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 and 8, due to the end of support for Windows XP by Microsoft. If your existing Delphi and C++Builder applications are still based on older technology, it is a great time to migrate and modernize them, supporting the needs of your customers. Here are some resources key areas to focus on as you modernize your Delphi and C++Builder Windows applications:

64-bit Windows
You can now create 64-bit Windows applications with Delphi and C++Builder. Most Windows computers sold today run 64-bit versions of Windows. As your users move forward, why not give them high performance, 64-bit versions of your applications? In many cases it's as easy as a simple 64-bit recompile.

64-bit Windows

Ensure that your applications correctly handle global characters, text and currencies. White papers and other resources are available to help you move your apps to Unicode.


User Interfaces
Delphi and C++Builder now have full support for customizing the look and feel of your VCL applications using VCL styles and themes.

User Interfaces

Integrate data into UIs in new ways. With the LiveBindings framework, you get fast, easy and no-code data-binding to bind user interface controls to object properties or dataset fields.


Modern Language Features
If you aren't using a recent version of Delphi, you may be missing on important new language features like Automatic Reference Counting, Generics, Anonymous Methods and Type Helpers.

Modern Language Features

REST and Cloud Services
Connect with RESTful web services – The new REST Client library support makes it easier than ever to connect with RESTful web services from your VCL and FMX applications.

Web Services

Database Access
Modernize and extend data-driven apps with FireDAC. Access more data sources, more easily. Update applications that use dbExpress or deprecated/unsupported technologies like the BDE.

Database Access

Multi-Device and Mobile
Move your VCL apps to multi-device by converting to the FM application platform and then compile to Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Or create mobile companion apps, written in Delphi and C++ and compiled to run native on the mobile devices.

Multi-Device and Mobile