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Rabais importants disponibles sur InterBase 2020 pour les OEM ou les VAR – Contactez le service commercial

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InterBase vs MSSQL Server

Une base de données SQL ultrarapide, extensible et intégrable dotée de
fonctions avancées de sécurité, de restauration sur sinistre et de synchronisation du changement

InterBase is an ultra-fast, scalable award winning multi-platform embeddable SQL database with commercial grade data security, disaster recovery and change synchronization. InterBase delivers this power in a lightweight, admin free, fast, scalable architecture. Choosing InterBase means choosing a SQL standard based database that grows with you and meets your demands into the future.

Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL), like InterBase, is a database server (RDBMS) that provides support for storing tables, rows and columns of data based on SQL standards. MSSQL is sold in varying editions that enable different features and come with different pricing models. While MSSQL Standard can be purchased per user, MSSQL Enterprise is only available by cores.

Feature InterBase MSSQL Enterprise MSSQL Standard MSSQL Web (SPLA) MSSQL Express
Linux (beta) (beta) (beta)
iOS et Android
Mac OS X
Fonctions centrales
Procédures enregistrées
Transparent Database Encryption
Cryptage de niveau colonne
Encrypted Backup
Haute simultanéité
Sécurité utilisateur à forte granularité
Sauvegarde en ligne
Récupération à l'instant
Fine Grain Auditing Trigger Logging Trigger Logging Trigger Logging Trigger Logging
Suivi des modifications/Synchronisation Subscriber only Subscriber only
Compute Capacities
Maximum Memory Allocation Operating System Maximum Operating System Maximum 128GB 64GB 1GB
Maximum Database Size 32 TB 524 PB 524 PB 10 GB 10 GB
Hot Disaster Recovery Server License Not included with license Not included with license (read only passive only) N/A
Simultaneous User Licensing Per core only Per named user Per core only N/A
Example Simultaneous 10 User Pricing $1,298
8 cores included
Includes failover
Not available $2,988
Named User Only
No failover
Not available N/A
CPU Core Licensing 8 Included
32 max
4 core min
OS Max
4 core min
24 max
4 core min
16 max
4 core max
Example 8 CPU Core Pricing Unlimited for $7,030
(Includes failover)
Unlimited for
Unlimited for
Hosting provider only N/A

* Comparative pricing correct as of July 2016. CPU licenses comparison is for unlimited user.
SPLA = Services Provider Licensing Agreement

How InterBase and MSSQL compare

InterBase v MSSQL Server on Data Protection.

La protection des données est aujourd'hui une préoccupation clé pour toutes les entreprises. On estime qu'une fuite de données génère en moyenne une perte de 4 % de la base de clientèle et peut donner lieu à des amendes légales se chiffrant en millions de dollars et des plans d'actions correctives exigeant de reformer les équipes, etc. Autant dire qu'il s'agit de conséquences suffisamment lourdes pour les éviter à tout prix... Il est de loin préférable de développer un système robuste dès le départ plutôt que d'encourir plus tard de lourdes charges.

See Rising to the Data Security Challenge webinar for best practice advice on how to reduce the risks around Data Protection.

En matière de protection des données, InterBase comme MSSQL proposent une authentification basée sur le rôle pour contrôler l'accès aux données. Il ne s'agit cependant que des fondations et il est également crucial que les données « au repos » soient cryptées pour éviter tout risque de pénalités légales.

The only edition of MSSQL that offers Transparent Database Encryption (TDE), encryption of the database file on disk where it rests, is MSSQL Enterprise. In contrast InterBase offers encryption at rest with fast granular column level encryption across all supported paid platforms. When it comes to backing up data, InterBase includes strong encrypted backup in all paid editions while MSSQL requires Standard or above.

InterBase prend en charge ces bonnes pratiques en confiant la responsabilité de la définition des principes de visibilité des données à une connexion SYSDSO (System Data Security Officer) dissociée des activités des utilisateurs. Cette connexion SYSDSO administre le cryptage granulaire et garantit que les règles de visibilité des données sont intégrées à la couche de données et appliquées sur l'ensemble du cycle de développement. En affranchissant les équipes de développement et de test de la nécessité de gérer les règles de visibilité des données, vous protégez votre application contre les fuites de données accidentelles (par exemple en cas de refactoring ultérieur). Cela élimine également les risques majeurs associés aux attaques de privilèges (notamment lorsque des développeurs affichent des données auxquelles ils ne devraient pas avoir accès).

InterBase v MSSQL on Disaster Recovery.

Both InterBase and MSSQL are ACID compliant, multi-tenancy SQL database engines, and thus allow data to be backed up while the database is live and in use.

One major difference between InterBase and MSSQL is that the price of a hot disaster recovery server is included in the InterBase server pricing. To illustrate the price for secure storage of the data at rest with 256bit AES strength encryption, the following pricing compares InterBase unlimited user server (which includes 8 cores) with MSSQL Enterprise for 8 cores.

8 core Server Pricing InterBase (8 core) MSSQL Enterprise (8 core)
Live Database Server $7,030 $57,024
Disaster Recovery Server 1 hot DR machine Included $57,024
TOTAL $7,030 $114,048

As you can see, InterBase is $107,018 cheaper for 8 cores with disaster recovery licensed. To purchase MSSQL Server Enterprise on its minimum of 4 cores then it costs $57,024 in total, that is still $49,994 more expensive for a live and hot disaster recovery setup.

Lowest Cost Enterprise InterBase (8 core) MSSQL Enterprise (4 core)
Live Database Server $7,030 $28,512
Disaster Recovery Server 1 hot DR machine Included $28,512
TOTAL $7,030 $57,024

If you decided to run without encryption, running a hot disaster recovery machine with MSSQL Standard works out still more than 4 times the price of InterBase.

8 core Server Pricing InterBase (8 core) MSSQL Standard (8 core)
Live Database Server $7,030 $14,868
Disaster Recovery Server 1 hot DR machine Included $14,868
TOTAL $7,030 $29,736

If you are running a hot disaster recovery machine with MSSQL Standard on 4 cores it still works out more than 2 times the price of InterBase.

Lowest Cost Standard InterBase (8 core) MSSQL Standard (4 core)
Live Database Server $7,030 $7,434
Disaster Recovery Server 1 hot DR machine Included $7,434
TOTAL $7,030 $14,868

Database Shadow / Mirror

InterBase Server, MSSQL Standard and Enterprise editions offer database mirroring, referred to as shadowing in InterBase. In addition, MSSQL offers AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Shadowing databases help to automatically protect against data loss in the event of a hard drive failure. Read more about InterBase Shadow

Journalisation et restauration un à instant précis

InterBase and MSSQL Standard and above offer Journaling. Journaling allows a database to benefit from in-memory speed with the security of immediate write to disk. Journaling is available to InterBase users and is heavily used in a number of high demand medical data processing facilities due to the speed, performance and data integrity benefits it brings, where the loss of any data can mean life or death.

InterBase Journal Archives are the next step on and provide point-in-time recovery, allowing you to take a database back in time to a specific split second to see how the data looked. This allows for the recovery of data, even when a backup hasn’t been run, for ultimate disaster recovery protection. Journaling to a SAN allow for complete data recovery even in the case of hardware failure. For these features in MSSQL you need to have the Enterprise edition.

InterBase v MSSQL – Performance Monitoring

InterBase comes with Performance Monitoring logging through IBConsole so there is no need for an external tool. MSSQL Web and above also includes Performance data collection and reports.

InterBase v MSSQL - Replication

La technologie IoT primée Change Views d'InterBase fournit une API de réplication intégrée au noyau de la base de données et n’affectant pas ses temps d'exécution. Conçue selon des principes d'évolutivité, même pour les transferts bidirectionnels, la fonctionnalité Change Views réduit considérablement les coûts de réplication et garantit que les données stockées à distance restent toujours pertinentes.

MSSQL offers a log based replication system that is designed for server to server data movement. In contrast Change Views is log less and has zero additional server impact for 1 to 1,000’s of subscribed destinations.

For an interesting story on how InterBase works alongside Microsoft SQL Server read the Change Views white paper and discover how Change Views is different from other replication technologies and could solve you data movement needs.

On top of Change Views, InterBase also offers incremental backups to ensure a copy of the database is mirrored to a separate machine. This is in effect one-way replication that can be scheduled to run constantly providing a live ready to use copy of the database.

InterBase v MSSQL - Mobile

With mobile accounting for more connected devices today than traditional desktop and servers, mobile is key to the delivery of modern application architecture. The need for offline data is also essential to deliver the best user experience.

InterBase brings its secure encrypted database format to iOS and Android (through InterBase ToGo) allowing one database structure to be used everywhere. With the addition of the patent pending Change Views, InterBase provides a scalable offline capability that helps reduce the cost of getting data to mobile.

With mobile data being a soft target for data theft that needs to be managed outside the domain, having granular encryption at rest makes InterBase a powerful option for any mobilization strategy. As MSSQL doesn’t have support for iOS and Android, why not look to use InterBase on mobile regardless of your backend database.


MSSQL is a powerful top end database that comes with top end pricing. While the largest systems with thousands of concurrent users may feel more at home with MSSQL, for ISV systems (scaling from a few hundred down to a single concurrent user) InterBase brings commercial grade business critical features that are only found in MSSQL Enterprise for a fraction of the cost of MSSQL Standard.

With a hot disaster recovery 8 CPU Core server setup with TDE coming in at over $107k cheaper, InterBase server is a serious consideration for any ISV who want to reduce not just license costs but benefit from the upside of a secure embeddable database with near zero administration and powerful disaster recovery features.

If you do decide on MSSQL for the back end server, then InterBase ToGo still offers a powerful option for mobilization that protects you and your customers’ reputations beyond the firewall.

Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645993(v=sql.120).aspx