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REST Debugger

Explore. Understand. Integrate

Embarcadero's free solution for exploring, understanding,
and integrating RESTful web services with Delphi and C++Builder apps:

REST Debugger Web Services

Debug RESTful web services

Delphi C++Builder

Easily prototype Delphi or C++Builder REST apps


Useful testing across app development lifecycle


No code required

REST Debugger Software Screenshot

Explore and Understand RESTful Web Services

The Embarcadero REST Debugger empowers developers to explore, test, and ultimately understand how a RESTful web service works. Dive right into REST data with filterable JSON blobs, streamlined OAuth 1.0/2.0 authentication, and configurable request/resource parameters.

No Code Required to Integrate REST Functionality

Directly copy and paste REST components from the REST Debugger to the RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder IDE. This enables configuration and consumption of REST services in Delphi or C++Builder apps with just a few clicks!

Prototype and Connect Delphi or C++Builder Apps to RESTful Web Services

Escape the mire of debugging REST calls in code and use the REST Debugger to fast track data-rich prototyping with apps built using Delphi or C++Builder.

Give it a try! It's FREE!

Download REST Debugger

RAD Studio is an advanced IDE for rapidly and visually building high-performance platform-native apps for Windows, Linux, iOS, macOS and Android from a single codebase.

RAD Studio includes the Delphi® and C++Builder® IDEs, InterBase®, RAD Server®, and libraries for Python integration.

Start a FREE Trial View Details


