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Press Releases

Special Offer Supports Free Usage During Trial Period

SAN FRANCISCO — June 20, 2013 — Embarcadero Technologies, a leading provider of software solutions for application and database development, today announced the popular cloud-based Mac hosting service, MacinCloud, supports development of iOS and OS X apps with RAD Studio XE4, the multi-device, true native app development suite for developers that need to create apps for PCs, tablets, and smartphones, and get them to market fast.

The MacinCloud hosting service now pre-installs the needed software for remote development of iOS and OS X apps with RAD Studio XE4 and Delphi on all of its user accounts. MacinCloud complements RAD Studio by enabling software developers to quickly build, simulate, debug and deploy iOS applications to the App Store, as well as build, debug and deploy OS X applications.

Embarcadero users receive a special trial period of 24 usage hours over 30 days on MacinCloud with a trial or purchase of RAD Studio or Delphi. For more information, visit

“As our customers embrace the booming opportunity to build iOS apps with RAD Studio XE4, MacinCloud’s hosting service dramatically shortens startup time without any initial hardware investment,” said John Thomas, Director of Product Management for the RAD Studio product line. “We’re very excited to partner with MacinCloud to offer this valuable, developer friendly service to our customers.”

About RAD Studio

Embarcadero® RAD Studio XE4 is the multi-device, true native app development suite for developers that need to create apps for PCs, tablets, and smartphones, and get them to market fast. RAD Studio includes the award winning Delphi, C++Builder, and HTML5 Builder development environments. Additional information on RAD Studio is available at: A free Instant Trial of RAD Studio XE4 is also available at

About Embarcadero Technologies

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of award-winning tools for application developers and database professionals so they can design systems right, build them faster and run them better, regardless of their platform or programming language. Ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide rely on Embarcadero products to increase productivity, reduce costs, simplify change management and compliance, and accelerate innovation. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices located around the world.

Press Contact:
Kristina Lanpheir
Kulesa Faul for Embarcadero Technologies
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