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RAD Studio
RAD Studio 12 is here and it's AWESOME. Join Ian Barker as he run through some of the features with some cool examples
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
RAD Studio
The RAD Studio IDE is your one-stop super-powered tool of choice for creating modern, fast, powerful cross-platform apps that work on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux. Join Developer Advocate Ian Barker as he takes you through the various parts of the IDE and reveals super-tips like build groups, custom desktops, and how to get things to look just the way you want them!
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
RAD Studio
Discussion about the OpenToolsAPI from leading names working with it, including David Millington, and David Hoyle, hosted by Stephen Ball
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
RAD Studio
For more information about our products visit https://www.embarcadero.com/products/RAD-Studio
CodeRage XII, Session 2. Getting Started with Linux using Ubuntu 16.10 , Installing Packages, and Connecting to Servers, by Tom Lawrence.
This video is for getting started with Linux using Ubuntu 16.10, how to install software packages, and getting connected to servers.
Presented November 8, 2017
Find all the amazing CodeRage XII replays online at Embarcadero Academy https://www.embarcaderoacademy.com/p/coderage-xii
RAD Studio
Join presenter Jim McKeeth, Chief Developer Advocate & Engineer, Embarcadero Technologies, for this webinar. It is a deep dive into the Android platform today and developing on it with 10.3/Rio.
A lot has changed since XE5 introduced support for the Android platform back in 2013. At the time it supported Android versions 2.33/Gingerbread through 4.4/KitKat, which covered the vast majority of Android devices available at the time. Now with the 10.3/Rio release, it supports Android versions through 9/Pie, including the new security model introduced in version 6/Marshmallow. And whatever happened to those NEON instructions? If all of these sweets are giving you a toothache, and you just want to target Android today, then join us to learn the latest about the Android platform, what is supported, and how to take advantage of it all with your favorite development tools!
Also new in 10.3/Rio is expanded platform native control support for the Android platform. We’ll take a look at what this means to Android development and how to take advantage of them and other FireMonkey GUI templates in your user interface design.
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
Try RAD Studio IDE for FREE: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/start-for-free
RAD Studio
Webinar Replay: Getting Started Building Mobile Applications for iOS and Android
June 2, 2016
Part 8 - RAD Studio special offer - Good until June 20, 2016
The ShortURL for the webinar blog post is http://embt.co/MobileStartNow
RAD Studio
Recording from "Fast and Simple IoT Development with RAD Studio and RAD Server" presentation from CASE 29 conference 2017 in Croatia presented by Paweł Głowacki, Embarcadero Sales Consultant, on 28.02.2017.
More information about this recording can be found at https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/fast-and-simple-iot-development-with-rad-studio-and-rad-server
RAD Studio
Whether we are end-users or developers of IoT apps, we all expect a seamless experience connecting to and communicating with the devices in our lives. In order to meet these expectations, developers should focus on durability, ergonomics, security and devices while building apps.
Join presenter and Embarcadero Software Consultant, Mary Kelly, as we discuss what mobile app design means for IoT UX design, important design considerations for mobile UX, the challenges involved in building IoT mobile apps and some practical solutions to overcome them using RAD Studio.
Part of the #WebinarWednesday series, this live webinar was held on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
RAD Studio
Fire up your business and users with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin's “Enterprise Strong” Desktop, Mobile, Database, Server, Cloud and IoT Solutions
Part 3 - ThingConnect & ThingPoint IoT – David I – 14 minutes and 9 seconds
Blog post with additional links and information: http://embt.co/BerlinEnterprise
RAD Studio
Soluciones multidispositivo utilizando Beacons y dispositivos Bluetooth LE:
En este webinar informativo e interactivo con Luis Felipe Gonzalez, MVP de Embarcadero, él se mostrará cómo utilizar el soporte de RAD Studio XE8 para Beacons de Proximidad y las Notificaciones Push de Enterprise Mobility Services para desarrollar una solución de aplicación médica moderna para un hospital o consultorio médico.
RAD Studio
September 18 - Internet of Things using Bluetooth and XE7
David Intersimone "David I" - Embarcadero
Duration: 39 minutes and 23 seconds
Developer Skill Sprints
Fast programming tips, tricks and techniques that you can use right now
You're invited to join the software development experts at Embarcadero each Tuesday and Thursday for Programmer Skill Sprints -- 20-minute online live tutorials on software development for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
Replays of previous Developer Skill Sprints are available on the landing page at https://www.embarcadero.com/landing-pages/skill-sprints
Get more Developer Skill Sprints videos, source code and resources at http://embt.co/SkillSprints. Get a free RAD Studio 30 day license at http://embt.co/RADDownload to try it yourself.
RAD Studio
The way we experience and interact with devices is changing. Embarcadero Technologies breathes new life into existing applications by enabling developers to easily connect their apps to gadgets, devices, sensors, enterprise data, and cloud services.
Develop apps for the Internet of Things with RAD Studio - http://embt.co/RADStudio
See what developers are saying about their IoT plans: http://embt.co/DevIoT
RAD Studio
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