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MVP Directory

Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best
Marcos Antonio Moreira

Marcos Antonio Moreira


Location: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Marion Candau

Marion Candau

C++Builder Delphi FireMonkey

Location: Bordeaux, France

Markus Humm

Markus Humm


Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Matthew Vesperman

Matthew Vesperman

FireMonkey RAD Server InterBase Delphi

Location: Culpeper, Virginia, United States

Miguel Angel Moreno

Miguel Angel Moreno


Location: Baja California, Mexico

Miguel Angel Suarez Rodriguez

Miguel Angel Suarez Rodriguez

InterBase Delphi

Location: Bogota, Colombia

Nader Shallabi

Nader Shallabi

Delphi C++Builder InterBase

Applying Code

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Newton Michel de Oliveira

Newton Michel de Oliveira

InterBase C++Builder Delphi

Location: Canoas, Brazil

Nick Hodges

Nick Hodges


Location: Philadelphia, United States

Nirav Kaku

Nirav Kaku


Location: Mumbai, India

Olaf Monien

Olaf Monien

Rapid SQL InterBase C++Builder Delphi

Unternehmensberatung Monien

Location: Hadamar, Hessen, Germany

Paolo Rossi

Paolo Rossi

InterBase Delphi

Location: Piacenza, Italy

Patrick Prémartin

Patrick Prémartin

FireMonkey Delphi

Olf Software

Location: Orléans, France

Paul Toth

Paul Toth


Location: Paris, France

Peter David Johnson

Peter David Johnson


Location: United Kingdom

Peter Turtle

Peter Turtle

VCL FireMonkey InterBase RAD Studio Delphi

Websure (Sheraton Systems Ltd)

Location: Essex, United Kingdom

Primož Gabrijelčič

Primož Gabrijelčič


Location: Vrhnika, Slovenia

Quinn Wildman

Quinn Wildman


Location: California, United States

Radek Cervinka

Radek Cervinka

Delphi RAD Studio

Location: Doubravy, Czech Republic

Raouf Rahiche

Raouf Rahiche

Delphi InterBase

Location: Mihoub, Algeria