Troubleshooting: Cannot Deploy to the iOS Device
To resolve this problem, look at these areas:
- If you have not run your iOS app on the iOS Simulator, make sure you satisfy the requirements here:
- Make sure your iOS device is connected to your Mac by USB cable.
- Specify the iOS Device as the target platform in the Project Manager.
- Complete the Provisioning page. (Your developer certificate is required for code signing)
- Set the required Project Options for your iOS app:
- Install the Xcode command-line tools on your Mac. (Required for code signing your iOS app)
- Upgrade Xcode if there is a newer version available. (Required after you upgrade your iOS device)
- If you get an error dialog with the error message "Unable to install package" followed by an error code, perform the appropriate steps as described here:
- e8000018: Your certificate is out of date. Download a new version of your certificate.
- e800001c: If the iOS simulator is running on your Mac, close the simulator and try to run your application on your iOS device again.
- e800002d: Restart your iOS device. See this related Apple Support Communities thread for more information.
- e800007e: Your iOS device version is lower than the default minimum version.
- Select Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Linking and change Minimum iOS version supported to the version of your iOS device. For example:
. (If this does not work, you might need to acquire a newer iOS device.)
- Select Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Linking and change Minimum iOS version supported to the version of your iOS device. For example:
- e8008015: The target iOS device has not been provisioned with the provisioning profile that you configured in RAD Studio.
- Either provision the target device with the configured provisioning profile, or change the RAD Studio project configuration to a different provisioning profile. See Completing the Provisioning Page.
- Ensure that your provisioning data in RAD Studio matches your iOS developer account, and not your Mac developer account. Be specially careful when you specify your iOS developer certificate name.
- e8008018: The certificate is out of date. Download a new version of your certificate.
- If you get an error dialog with the error message "Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory matched with connected device info":
- Open Xcode on your Mac.
- From the main menu, select Window, Organizer.
- On the Organizer, select your iOS device on the left-hand side of the window.
- Wait for the yellow dot to turn green. When it does, you can close Xcode and try to run your application again.
- If you get an error dialog with the error message "The program being debugged is not being run", restart your iOS device.
If you see an error entry with an error code in the Messages tool window, on the bottom of the RAD Studio interface, select that entry and press F1 to open the help for that error.