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ADO.NET Driver

InterBase driver for Visual Studio

The InterBase ADO.NET driver for Visual Studio, made available as a Nuget package and listed in the Visual Studio marketplace, offers Visual Studio 2019 IDE integration and full support for ADO.NET and the Entity Framework.

The newly released NuGet package for Visual Studio includes a brand new ADO.NET driver for InterBase along with several additional features for a great integration with the Visual Studio IDE and the overall .NET platform. This new driver is a complete rewrite of the previous InterBase ADO.NET driver.


The NuGet packages and the driver include:

  • Core ADO.NET framework support and integration, including both InterBase server and the local, embedded IBLite/IBToGo (see image below)
  • Entity Framework support, offering the ability to use the popular .NET Object-Relational mapping layer with InterBase (this support requires adding a specific InterBase UDF extension library to your database installation)
  • .Net 2.0 SDK with update
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or above
  • InterBase XE or above
System Requirements
  • ADO.NET driver requires the installation of the InterBase client library on the machine, and an InterBase server installation on the
  • same or a different machine.
  • ADO.NET can run on any Visual Studio version. However, IDE integration is only available on Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.
  • DDEX only works on Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019.
  • EntityFramework core requires netstandard 2.0 and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 3.1 to run in any Visual Studio version.
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