RAD Studio is an advanced IDE for rapidly and visually building high-performance platform-native apps for Windows, Linux, iOS, macOS and Android from a single codebase.
RAD Studio includes the Delphi® and C++Builder® IDEs, InterBase®, RAD Server®, and libraries for Python integration.
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Only Work With Delphi or C++?
RAD Studio's Individual IDE's Can Also Be Used Independently
Best-in-class Windows integration, powerful visual design features and up to 5x productivity gains make Delphi® the ultimate IDE for building single-source native applications for any platform
开始免费试用 View DetailsBuild blazingly fast native apps with modern C++ for Windows using advanced visual design libraries to build great user experiences fast, boost productivity and shrink time-to-market
开始免费试用 View DetailsTo fully support you in your development process we created
Deploy an award-winning relational SQL database in your mobile and desktop applications. InterBase® offers superb encryption and data security, disaster recovery and change synchronization, scales infinitely, embeds anywhere, and works on any device and platform.
开始免费试用 View DetailsGenerate database APIs instantly in Delphi® and C++Builder® to build apps faster with an enterprise-grade REST API application platform available as on-premise or deployable to the cloud
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