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MVP Directory

Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best
Stefan Van As

Stefan Van As


Location: Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Steffen Nyeland

Steffen Nyeland

InterBase Delphi

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Stéphane Vander Clock

Stéphane Vander Clock


Location: Alpes Maritimes, France

Sunil Kumar Arora

Sunil Kumar Arora

InterBase Delphi

Location: New Delhi, India

Thiago Santiago Santos

Thiago Santiago Santos

Delphi C++Builder InterBase RAD Server

E DO Brasil

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Thierry Laborde

Thierry Laborde


Location: France

Thomas Breitkreuz

Thomas Breitkreuz

FireMonkey InterBase Delphi

Location: Stadthagen, Niedersachsen, Germany

Thomas „DelphiCoder“ Jourdan

Thomas „DelphiCoder“ Jourdan


Location: Alsace, France

Thulio Bittencourt Gomes

Thulio Bittencourt Gomes

C++Builder Delphi

Location: Niteroi, Brazil

Tim Coates

Tim Coates



Tim Coates Solutions

Location: QLD, Australia

Tomas Chavez

Tomas Chavez


Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Ulf Klarmann

Ulf Klarmann

Delphi RAD Studio

Location: Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Germany

Uwe Raabe

Uwe Raabe

InterBase RAD Studio Delphi

Location: Lübbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Victory Fernandes

Victory Fernandes

InterBase C++Builder Delphi

Location: Salvador-Bahia, Brazil

Vinicius Scandelai Sanchez

Vinicius Scandelai Sanchez


Location: Brazil

Vladimir Timofeev

Vladimir Timofeev


Location: Moscow, Russian Federation

Volker Hillmann

Volker Hillmann

C++Builder DB PowerStudio Rapid SQL ER/Studio DB Change Manager

Location: Berlin, Germany

Vsevolod Gromov

Vsevolod Gromov

FireMonkey C++Builder Delphi

Location: Moscow, Russian Federation

Vsevolod Leonov

Vsevolod Leonov

Delphi C++Builder RAD Server

Location: Moscow, Russian Federation

Wagner Landgraf

Wagner Landgraf


Location: Brazil