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RAD Studio Clientes

Build Apps 5x Faster for Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux
ZICONDIS Technologies

ZICONDIS Technologies

ZICONDIS Technologies from Austria has successfully developed desktop, web, and mobile applications for many years. One of the focal points is in the area of waste management.

RAD Studio with Delphi and RAD Server have proven to be an ideal combination with a short development time. Both the user interface for the mobile apps and the back end programming were solved without any technology break by using the same programming language. Simply a clean solution!

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • RAD ServerRAD Server
  • FireMonkeyFireMonkey
    Healthcare and Science
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S.A.N Computers

S.A.N Computers

El caso de uso era extender un producto de escritorio de bandera que se adapte a las demandas del equipo ejecutivo, con acceso móvil multiplataforma a los datos de la compañía. Después de determinar que los paquetes de Objective C o Win32 no eran ideales, SAN Computers optó por Delphi y completó el proyecto en una semana, con un solo desarrollador. El resultado fue una solución móvil (de desempeño nativo en iOS y Android) para proporcionar a los ejecutivos un conjunto de informes de administración, estadísticas de ventas e informes de inventario de asientos.

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • DelphiDelphi
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Spikes Security

Spikes Security

Crear una aplicación empresarial multiplataforma no es tarea fácil, pero desarrollar una que funcione como solución de seguridad web y que proteja a las empresas del ingreso de malware es un verdadero desafío. Spikes Security creó AirGap™ (un sistema empresarial de blindaje para el navegador) con RAD Studio para sus necesidades multiplataforma y además, porque confían en la seguridad de los componentes predefinidos de RAD Studio. Spikes está por encima de la competencia, porque aprovecha la posibilidad de utilizar un único código fuente seguro para todas las plataformas y lanza sus productos al mercado más rápido que la competencia.

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
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ec2 Software Solutions

ec2 Software Solutions

Ec2 had the daunting task of building the software to manage a Nuclear Pharmacy where medicines are radioactive isotopes that are decaying in real-time, and any mishandling results in severe legal and safety consequences for patients and clinicians. ec2 chose C++ Builder because of its easy interface design, cross-platform delivery, and the ability to rapidly prototype features for regulatory approval. As a result, ec2 has established themselves as the leading supplier of software products to the Nuclear Pharmacy industry.

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • C++BuilderC++Builder
    Healthcare and Science
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Bruner Consulting Associates Inc.

Bruner Consulting Associates Inc.

Bruner Consulting needed to develop and modernize its desktop and mobile apps for its new and existing medical device wearables. With a small team the challenge of porting code to deploy across multiple platforms proved too cumbersome. Bruner decided to rewrite the apps using RAD Studio to support Android, iOS, and desktop while also achieving support for Bluetooth LE from a single codebase. RAD Studio allowed the Bruner team to still work with C++ while expanding their embedded device software to work with more platforms.

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • C++BuilderC++Builder
    Healthcare and Science
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Peace Keeper Enterprises

Peace Keeper Enterprises

With little to no internet connectivity on Oil & Gas job sites, would it be possible to replace a paper-based Safety & Procedures system with a digital solution run on tablets? Peacekeeper decided to use Delphi to build a cross-platform enterprise level app that let workers manage documentation in the field and upload them upon return, alleviating the need for big paper binders and cumbersome forms. The client saved millions by improving operational efficiencies in the field and revamping paperwork processes.

Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • DelphiDelphi
    Healthcare and Science, Seguridad, Retail, Transportation, Manufactura
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