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InterBase is an ultrafast, scalable and embeddable SQL database with top-of-the-line data security, instant disaster recovery, and unique, award-winning change synchronization technology.
With editions for mobile, desktop and server, InterBase gives multi-device, multi-platform apps a clear dependability edge and cost advantage as you scale.
Get Free Edition Try Server Edition Talk to Our Experts

More About InterBase

InterBase® is a full-featured, high performance, ultrafast, encryptable, scalable, relational and embeddable multi-platform SQL database with multi-dimensional data security, disaster recovery and change synchronization for developers who want to embed a low-cost, zero-admin, secure database into their cross-platform connected applications.

InterBase® is one of the first enterprise-grade relational databases ever produced. Since its inception it is based on a superior versioning architecture still unmatched by many popular databases. It was also the first DBMS to implement Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). MVCC is referred to as Multi-Generational Architecture in InterBase®.

Why InterBase?



  • Cross-Platform Encryption
  • Separate Security Login
  • Reduced Exposure to Risk
  • Role-Based User Security
  • Encrypted Backups


  • Live Backups
  • Особые дампы данных
  • Write-Ahead Logging
  • Point-in-Time Recovery


  • Multi-Language Support
  • Cross-Platform Support
  • Server Data Storage
  • Local Data Storage
  • Single On-Disk Format


  • Independent Operation
  • Near-Zero Maintenance
  • Rapid Crash Recovery
  • Восстановление после аварий
Light Weight


  • Small Footprint
  • Fast Install
  • Fast Restores
  • Faster Data


  • Безжурнальная репликация
  • Data Change Subscriptions
  • ChangeViews Data Tracking
  • Role-Based User Security
  • Early Fetch Data Deltas


  • ANSI/ISO SQL Compliant
  • Stored Procedures & Triggers
  • Open-Standards-Based Connectivity
  • Multi-Gen Architecture/MVCC
  • Event Alerts & Generators

Which InterBase Edition is right for me?

Future City Sky Scrapper

With InterBase® powering enterprise, stand-alone, and deeply embedded IoT and mobile solutions, there are four full-featured editions to choose from to develop the right mix to enhance your software architecture.

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IoTA Winner
IoTA Winner Ceremony

InterBase® is the winner of Total Telco’s IoT Award for "the most innovative use of data" thanks to its highly scalable patented Change Views technology, which ensures the fastest, simplest and most secure way to track changes to persisted data.

Reconnect anytime to get personalized field-level changes for any user/device using standard SQL, and update remote cached data rapidly with small, context-aware deltas!

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Case Studies

InterBase Case Studies

View From The Tap

Using InterBase And Delphi, Bulgarian Firm "BSoft" Helps Industry Leaders Keep Operations Flowing

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Laser Focus on Eyecare

Patients rely on doctors to protect their eyesight. Doctors rely on Delphi and InterBase to show them how.

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Leave The Stress Behind

Data security and management causing anxiety? InterBase keeps spa managers as happy as their clients.

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InterBase Resources

PDF's, Videos & Courses of the Product

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