Embarcadero's free solution for exploring, understanding,
and integrating RESTful web services with Delphi and C++Builder apps:

Отладка RESTful web сервисов

Облегчает прототипирование приложений Delphi или C++Builder

Практическое тестирование в течение жизненного цикла приложений

Не требует написания кода

Explore and Understand RESTful Web Services
The Embarcadero REST Debugger empowers developers to explore, test, and ultimately understand how a RESTful web service works. Dive right into REST data with filterable JSON blobs, streamlined OAuth 1.0/2.0 authentication, and configurable request/resource parameters.
No Code Required to Integrate REST Functionality
Directly copy and paste REST components from the REST Debugger to the RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder IDE. This enables configuration and consumption of REST services in Delphi or C++Builder apps with just a few clicks!
Prototype and Connect Delphi or C++Builder Apps to RESTful Web Services
Escape the mire of debugging REST calls in code and use the REST Debugger to fast track data-rich prototyping with apps built using Delphi or C++Builder.
Give it a try! It's FREE!
Download REST Debugger