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Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! Подробнее

InterBase 2020 Update 6, released! Подробнее

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Delphi 12.2 Athens

Delphi® is the world's most advanced IDE for rapidly developing single-source multi-platform high-performance native applications for Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux using powerful visual design tools and features developers love.


C++Builder 12.2 Athens

C++Builder® is an advanced IDE for modern C++, with high-productivity libraries that help developers quickly build high-performance native apps for Windows. Leverage the power of modern C++ and award winning visual design tools.


RAD Studio 12.2 Athens

RAD Studio® is the ultimate IDE for rapidly building single-source multi-platform native apps in Delphi® and modern C++ with powerful visual design tools. Reach billions of users on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux with a single codebase.


RAD Server

RAD Server - серверное решение "под ключ", которое представляет собой надежную, готовую к использованию платформу для создания и развертывания прикладных сервисов на Delphi и C++Builder


Interbase 2020

InterBase - Встраиваемая СУБД для различных устройств


Media Kits

Backup DVDs for customers who have purchased the electronically downloaded versions
