Troubleshooting: Cannot Run on an Android Device or Emulator

If you get any of the following error dialog boxes, use the suggested steps following each error box:

Unable to create process: Unable to install '<path>'. Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES]

This error may occur for either of the following reasons:

  • You try to install your application on your Android device using the same package name as a previously-installed application, but you use a signing certificate different from the certificate of the installed application. This is the case when you change the platform configuration of your application between Debug and Application Store, or when you configure a new certificate in the Provisioning options page for the Application Store platform configuration.
To solve this issue, do either of the following:
  • You try to install your application on your Android device using the Application Store platform configuration but you do not have a certificate configured in the Provisioning options page for the Application Store platform configuration.
Unable to create process: Could not find program, '<path>'

where <path> looks like the path to your Adb executable:

  • Open the SDK Manager and verify that the value of the Adb location field is correct in the SDK Properties of your Android SDK.
  • If the value is marked with a warning icon, you must update the path so that it points to your Adb executable (Android Debug Bridge).
Unable to start gdbserver on port <n>: Port is already in use

where <n> is the port number being used by the Android gdbserver:

  • Power off or restart your Android device and then run your application again.
  • Choose another debug port:
    1. Select Run > Parameters and enter the following in the Parameters field:
      -debugport=<n> where <n> is an alternate debug port, such as 54321.
    2. Then click OK.
Unable to create process: Unable to install '<APK file>'. Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT]

This may happen if you do not include a valid classes.dex file among your deployment files in the Deployment Manager. See Invalid or Missing classes.dex File for more information.

See Also