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Hier finden Sie Aufzeichnungen von Online-Webinaren, die kürzlich stattgefunden haben.

A Developers Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Presenters: Jim McKeeth and Guests

The how and why of getting started with machine learning.

Online Webinar held on:

Mär 30 ,2022

A Developers Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Neuigkeiten im RAD Studio 11

Presenters: Matthias Eißing

Matthias Eißing zeigt Ihnen in diesem Webinar die Neuigkeiten im RAD Studio 11: Die überarbeitete IDE, neue und überarbeitete Compiler, neue Zielplattformen und vieles mehr.

Online Webinar 10:00 Uhr MEZ held on:

Mär 17 ,2022

Neuigkeiten im RAD Studio 11

What's New in RAD Studio Alexandria 11.1

Presenters: Marco Cantu, David Millington, and Jim McKeeth

Join Product Management for this webinar to take a look at the latest in RAD Studio Alexandria. See what's new in our favorite development tools, and where things are headed in the near future. This is a must see webinar for all fans of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio.

Online Webinar held on:

Mär 16 ,2022

What's New in RAD Studio Alexandria 11.1

Delphi und Python

Presenters: Matthias Eißing

In diesem Webinar zeigt Ihnen Matthias Eißing wie sich Delphi und Python in vielen Bereichen perfekt ergänzen.

Online Webinar 15:00 Uhr MEZ held on:

Mär 15 ,2022

Delphi und Python

Migrationsthemen rund um Delphi 11

Presenters: Matthias Eißing

In diesem Webinar zeigt Ihnen Matthias Eißing welche Punkte man bei der Migration von älteren Delphiprojekten beachten muss.

Online Webinar 15:00 Uhr MEZ held on:

Mär 10 ,2022

Migrationsthemen rund um Delphi 11

Picking the Best UI Framework for Windows 11 Development

Presenters: Jim McKeeth

So you want to develop a Windows application for Windows 11, but don't know which GUI application framework to pick from. That is understandable as there are a lot of choises out there, and many of them come from Microsoft. This webinar will break down some of the pros and cons of the different GUI application libraries. Learn how to use visual designers for WYSIWYG preview, as well as declaritive frameworks, and other methods of creating the best user interface possible.

Online Webinar held on:

Mär 9 ,2022

Picking the Best UI Framework for Windows 11 Development

Android on Windows 11: A Developer's Perspective

Presenters: Jim McKeeth

The Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) is bringing native Android applications to the Windows 11 desktop. Learn how to set up and configure Windows Subsystem for Android for use in software development. See what is required to run WSA as well as what is required to target it from your Android development. This is a preview of coming technology since WSA is currently only available in the Windows 11 Insider build, but it will ship as part of the main Windows 11 in the near future.

Online Webinar held on:

Mär 2 ,2022

Android on Windows 11: A Developer's Perspective

Intro to Visual Assist: Improving your game development experience with VAX

Presenters: Chris Gardner

Join Chris Gardner as he demonstrates the basics of programming games with C++, and how to do it faster with Visual Assist. This is part of a webinar series that will showcase how Visual Assist enhances a developer's overall coding experience.

Online Webinar held on:

Feb 16 ,2022

Intro to Visual Assist: Improving your game development experience with VAX

Delphi 27 Anniversary

Presenters: Jim McKeeth, Marco Cantu, and David Millington

Join Embarcadero's Marco Cantu, David Millington, Jim McKeeth, Delphi MVPs, and special guests as they celebrate Delphi 27th Birthday!

Online Webinar held on:

Feb 14 ,2022

Delphi 27 Anniversary

Developing for Android 11 and Looking Toward Android 12

Presenters: Jim McKeeth

Android 11 is shipping on most new phones, but Android 12 has rolled out to Pixel devices everywhere. Join this webinar to see what has changed in these latest versions of Android and look at some best practices for Android development with tips for targeting the latest versions of the most popular operating system.

Online Webinar held on:

Feb 9 ,2022

Developing for Android 11 and Looking Toward Android 12