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Whitepaper - Anwendungsentwicklung


Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking

The whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform desktop application development: Delphi and Electron. When businesses choose a... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

Delphi and Electron

Choosing a framework for enterprise software development. This paper is for developers and firms looking to make a comparison between Delphi ® and... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

HTMX und WebStencils eBook

Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf einen modernen, rationalisierten Ansatz zur Webentwicklung mit HTMX und WebStencils. HTMX ist eine... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
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RAD Server Technischer Leitfaden

RESTful-Architekturen sind eine wichtige treibende Kraft hinter dem Design moderner API-First-Anwendungen. Dieser Leitfaden konzentriert sich auf... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • RAD ServerRAD Server
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Dependency Injection in Delphi

This book covers Dependency Injection from A to Z. In it you'll learn about Constructor Injection, Property Injection, and Method Injection. You'll... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

Code Faster in Delphi

This book will help you Code Faster in Delphi through a vast array of tips, tricks and hacks to squeeze every bit of productivity out of yourself... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

Coding in Delphi

This is a book all about writing Delphi code. It's not about the VCL or database access. It's just about how to use the language in the most... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

More Coding in Delphi

"More Coding in Delphi" picks up where "Coding in Delphi" left off, continuing to illustrate good, sound coding techniques including patterns,... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

Discovering the Best Developer Framework Through Benchmarking

Delphi and Electron for Desktop Plattforms When businesses choose a software framework they begin a long-term relationship for the duration of their... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi

Object Pascal Handbook Delphi 11 Alexandria Edition

This newly updated 500-page eBook for Delphi 11 Alexandria is a complete guide to the current, modern Object Pascal programming language by... Weitere Infos

Verwendete Tools:
  • DelphiDelphi