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Download der kostenfreien DelphiVCL Python Module

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Was Sie mit DelphiVCL Python Module erhalten

Delphi's VCL library is a Python module for building native Windows GUI Applications

There is a QuickStart Guide with a bundle of VCL Styles available as a free download.

VCL is a GUI framework originally from Embarcadero Delphi for Windows application development. It uses the GPU via DirectX or OpenGL for hardware accelerated rendering. It includes a rich styling system and is user extensible.

The delphivcl is a natively compiled Python module powered by the Python4Delphi library. It gives Python developers access to the VCL GUI framework from Python with no need to use Delphi in their development process, and is freely redistributable.


  • Win32 & Win64 x86 architectures
  • Python cp3.6, cp3.7, cp3.8, cp3.9 and cp3.10

Conda support:

  • Win x86 and x64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10

Venv support:

  • Win x86 and x64 from Python cp3.6 to cp3.10

Powered by the Best Windows IDE Embarcadero Delphi and the Python4Delphi library.

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