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*Nach dem Herunterladen der Delphi Testversion erhalten Sie separate E-Mails mit Download-Links für Ihre zusätzlichen kostenlosen Testversionen, die in der Architect Edition enthalten sind.
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*Nach dem Herunterladen der Delphi Testversion erhalten Sie separate E-Mails mit Download-Links für Ihre zusätzlichen kostenlosen Testversionen, die in der Architect Edition enthalten sind.
The iOS Simulator support enables developers to test and debug their Delphi applications on different Apple devices and on multiple form factors using the iOS Simulator, without the need to buy the specific hardware. It also helps fulfill the Apple Store request to provide screenshots of the apps running in multiple form factors.
New in Delphi 11.2 Alexandria
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
Walking through the installation of Delphi 11 CE
Register and download Delphi 11 CE here
or get C++Builder 11 CE here
See the installation notes here
One might be forgiven for believing that the conjuring of custom components lies only in the realm of the Delphi wizards, but customizing an existing component is actually quite easy and doesn’t require a master’s degree from your favorite school of witchcraft and wizardry. So leave your wand behind as Alister demonstrates building a custom edit control that has a progress bar indicating the remaining characters available if the MaxLength property is set.
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