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Peace Keeper Enterprises

l'histoire à succès de RAD Studio et Delphi
Peace Keeper Enterprises

Peace Keeper Enterprises


Consulting and application services for the web and mobile devices

Formats Outils utilisés
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • DelphiDelphi
  • Inefficient paper-based processes for field workers
  • Lack of internet access in remote areas
  • Need for a customized mobile interface
  • Improved efficiency and worker safety for the end user
  • Increased revenue streams for the SaaS provider
  • Cross-platform development capabilities

Peacekeeper Enterprises, LLC is a Bakersfield, CA-based developer that provides consulting and application services for the web and mobile devices. Its client base includes large scale enterprises and SaaS (software as a service) providers serving various industry sectors. Peacekeeper has deployed over 250 Android and iOS apps to Google Play, Samsung Apps, Apple iTunes, Amazon AppStore and ad hoc enterprise projects. These apps, some of which have been developed on the Delphi platform – have been downloaded over 8 million times.

“With Delphi, we could have a complete solution that covered iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS using a single code base.”

Eli M. , Co-founder


A SaaS provider had a large oil and gas customer that needed a solution that could help its workers perform more efficiently in the field. In the past, crew members carried paper binders full of documentation outlining a wide range of safety and operational procedures. Given there was little to no internet connectivity on job sites, workers were unable to use the web to read documentation or upload content.

The SaaS provider decided that a more expedient and efficient way to manage documentation would be to provide those workers with mobile devices (i.e. iPads) that would enable them to store data for uploading when they return to home base. The provider then approached Peacekeeper Enterprises to develop the front end software for the project.

“The whole idea was that they wanted to replace paper binders,” Eli M., a Peacekeeper co-founder explains. “They used to have big books in their trucks and lots of documents to fill out. All that could be replaced with iPads with the right front end app to improve efficiency and worker safety.”


Peacekeeper decided to use Embarcadero’s Delphi platform to build an enterpriselevel app to address the client’s needs. The co-founder says the reason they chose Embarcadero was the fact it also offered Android support.

“Once Android support became available, Delphi was a viable tool for us as consultants,” he says. “We could have a complete solution that covered iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS using a single code base. That cross-platform support was pivotal for us. Otherwise we would have been missing 80% of what we needed for our overall mobile app development work.”

“Delphi’s cross-platform support was pivotal for us. Otherwise we would have been missing 80% of what we needed for our overall mobile app development work.”

Eli M. , Co-founder

Les Résultats

The co-founder reports that the customer achieved a 16-fold return on investment in the way of increased margins. “We were able to deliver a minimum viable app to the SaaS provider that could be iterated on successfully. Now that app is being used in the field every day by their customer who has saved millions of dollars in the way of creating more efficiencies in the field and reducing paperwork time.”

Beyond this project, Delphi has helped SaaS customers achieve faster time to market at a lower cost while achieving a sustainable revenue stream, the co-founder notes. “Their customers in turn can achieve significant savings on labor and improve data collection methods.”

He says he is such a fan of Delphi, he maintains a website (fxmexpress.com) that is dedicated to providing tips and tricks on Delphi. “There’s over 600 blog posts about the product on the mobile side. I like to stay sharp on what’s happening with the product.”

Overall, Delphi has played a pivotal role in Peacekeeper’s mobile app development, he adds. “Without it this project wouldn’t have happened.”

“Delphi is an amazing product because it allows you to build solutions and not get bogged down in ‘bogus’ engineering that doesn’t need to happen. With Delphi, I can be sure the products I develop will support an app with much less work involved.”

-- Eli M., Co-founder.