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Livres blancs

Développement des applications

Livres blancs - Développement des applications


Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking

The whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform desktop application development: Delphi and Electron. When businesses choose a... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

Delphi and Electron

Choosing a framework for enterprise software development. This paper is for developers and firms looking to make a comparison between Delphi ® and... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

HTMX and WebStencils

This book focuses on a modern, streamlined approach to web development using HTMX and WebStencils. HTMX is a lightweight JavaScript alternative for... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
Télécharger Télécharger - Allemand

RAD Server Technical Guide

RESTful architectures are a key driving force behind modern API first application design. This book focuses on the RAD Server framework included... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • RAD ServerRAD Server
Télécharger Télécharger - Allemand

Dependency Injection in Delphi

This book covers Dependency Injection from A to Z. In it you'll learn about Constructor Injection, Property Injection, and Method Injection. You'll... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

Code Faster in Delphi

This book will help you Code Faster in Delphi through a vast array of tips, tricks and hacks to squeeze every bit of productivity out of yourself... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

Coding in Delphi

This is a book all about writing Delphi code. It's not about the VCL or database access. It's just about how to use the language in the most... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

More Coding in Delphi

"More Coding in Delphi" picks up where "Coding in Delphi" left off, continuing to illustrate good, sound coding techniques including patterns,... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

Discovering the Best Developer Framework Through Benchmarking

Delphi and Electron for Desktop Plattforms When businesses choose a software framework they begin a long-term relationship for the duration of their... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi

Object Pascal Handbook Delphi 11 Alexandria Edition

This newly updated 500-page eBook for Delphi 11 Alexandria is a complete guide to the current, modern Object Pascal programming language by... En savoir plus…

Outils utilisés:
  • DelphiDelphi