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RAD Studio Cloud

Créer des applications 5X plus vite pour Windows, Android, iOS, macOS et Linux

New Cloud Support in RAD Studio 10 Seattle

  • Extension de 10 Seattle! API Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Extension de 10 Seattle! API Amazon Queue service
  • Extension de 10 Seattle! API Amazon SimpleDB
  • Extension de 10 Seattle! Bibliothèques Cloud avec support HTTP et HTTPS natif System.Net

Supercharge Your Apps with Cloud Solutions

Access cloud based RESTful services

RAD Studio intègre une nouvelle bibliothèque client REST (toutes plateformes) permettant de simplifier l'invocation par des prestataires tiers de services REST. Cette bibliothèque prend en charge l'authentification et la manipulation des réponses JSON (avec jeux de données et mappages LiveBindings). Ses trois composants centraux simplifient le paramétrage des requêtes à plusieurs niveaux et offrent des accès simplifiés à de multiples services et fournisseurs de services BaaS (Backend as a Service).

Vidéos Bibliothèque client REST >

Create RESTful web services


Connectez-vous aux fournisseurs BaaS

Integrate cloud based services from Back-end as a Service (BaaS) providers, Kinvey, Parse, and now App42, with components for popular BaaS services push notifications, authentication, and storage. You get easy access to these common services in the cloud without having to build them yourself or maintain them. Add user authentication to your apps. Use push notifications to engage your users. Access data and object storage in the cloud.

Choose RAD Studio Enterprise, Ultimate or Architect editions for the full Multi-Device Application Platform feature set. Professional edition includes client support for both the VCL and the FMX frameworks, FireDAC local/embedded database connectivity for select databases, and the REST Client library. Professional edition does not include DataSnap or remote server database connectivity. Professional C/S Add-on Pack includes support for remoter server database connectivity and Enterprise Mobility Services.

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Learn How Enterprise Mobility Services Fits Into Cloud Solutions

Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) is a new turnkey solution for today's interconnected, distributed apps, offering an easy to deploy middleware server that hosts loadable custom API and data access modules. New EMS improvements and features have been added, like Push Notifications server support for iOS and Android. With Realtime Analytics, EMS provides developers insight and real-time metrics of end-user activity and the REST APIs they are calling.

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