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The need to have a mobile user interface for an existing application to add functionality or to ease the way a client/server system or multi-tier application is used, is growing at an increasing rate in IT. With many companies require their employees to access data from their management software even when out of the office. This RAD in action topic will show you how to write a PHP REST server and interact with it from an Android application.

Featured Webinar

Daniele Teti presents: Developing Application Services with PHP Servers and Android Phone Clients

With the need for mobile user interfaces for existing applications growing at an increasing rate, this webinar will show how to achieve this using two very common platforms, a PHP web application and an Android phone client. After introducing the basic concepts, attendees of this session will be taken through how to REST-enable the server application, before building the client application targeting an Android phone.


Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction to REST and JSON support in PHP
  • Introduction to Android client development
  • Creating a REST web service with RadPHP
  • Connecting from an Android application to the REST web service
Expert White Papers

Mobile Application Development: Connecting with PHP REST Servers from Android

Download the white paper and code examples

Learn how to write a REST service in PHP with RadPHP™ XE and interact with it from an Android application.

About the Presenter

Daniele TetiDaniele Teti

Daniele Teti is R&D Director at bit Time Software, Embarcadero representative in Italy. He has many years of experience in the ICT world. He works on (and with) several open source projects for Delphi, PHP and Android communities. He is speaker at Italian and international Delphi, PHP and Android conferences. In his spare time, Daniele likes writing articles for websites and Italian magazines. He's also a staunch supporter of agile methodologies and design patterns and in its educational activity he spends lot of time on concepts related to design patterns, integration patterns and SOA/ROA.

You can read Daniele's blog at, follow him on Twitter at, and contact him on Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

About RadPHP XE

Embarcadero® RadPHP™ XE revolutionizes PHP web development with a completely integrated, rapid visual development approach and component framework. RadPHP XE provides a powerful editor, debugger, visual development tools and connectivity with leading databases. The integrated reusable class library includes components for everything from UI design to building applications for Facebook.

Additional Free Downloads

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The fastest way to build PHP applications

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