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Webinar Replays

Here you can find all our Replays of Online Webinars that were held recently.

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Streams and Textfiles - Dejon Weyers

Join us in this session on "Streams and Textfiles" by Dejon Weyers.

Online held on:

авг 23 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Streams and Textfiles - Dejon Weyers

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Subroutines Procedures and Functions

Join this session on Subroutines Procedures and Functions by Johan Heystek.

Online held on:

авг 23 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Subroutines Procedures and Functions

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Unexpected Randomness

Join the"Unexpected Randomness" session by Lilane le Grange.

Online held on:

авг 23 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Unexpected Randomness

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Python on Android

Join us on the "Python on Android" by Priyatham Kunarapu.

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Python on Android

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Python4Delphi: Using Python for Delphi Developers

Join the Python4Delphi: Using Python for Delphi Developers by Kiriakos Vlahos.

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Python4Delphi: Using Python for Delphi Developers

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Introduction to PyScripter for Python Developers

Join Kiriakos Vlahos on the "Introduction to PyScripter for Python Developers" session.

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Introduction to PyScripter for Python Developers

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Looping and Repeating with Iteration Structures

Join Gerhard Visagie for this session on "Looping and Repeating with Iteration Structures".

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Looping and Repeating with Iteration Structures

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Text is Strings of Letters

Join Hannie Van der Merwe on the "Text is Strings of Letters" session.

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Text is Strings of Letters

Coding Boot Camp 2022: What If Selection Structures for Conditional Execution

Join Lilane le Grange on this session about "What If Selection Structures for Conditional Execution".

Online held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: What If Selection Structures for Conditional Execution

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Introduction to Programming: Constructs Variables and Arithmetic

Join Denise Roode on this "Introduction to Programming: Constructs Variables and Arithmetic" session.

held on:

авг 22 ,2022

Coding Boot Camp 2022: Introduction to Programming: Constructs Variables and Arithmetic