RAD Studio 12.2 Now Available! Подробнее

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Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! Подробнее

InterBase 2020 Update 6, released! Подробнее

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Request a Demo for RAD Studio

Build Apps 5x Faster for Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux

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Что вы получите с помощью RAD Studio Demo?

  • Design and build your apps visually with a rich set of visual components for world-class platform-native look and feel
  • Create a consistent user experience across all platforms
  • Publish native binaries for multiple platforms with just a few steps
  • Use a best-in-class integrated framework for Windows apps
  • Iterate and test new layouts and functionality super-fast
  • Launch quickly and shrink time-to-market up to 5x
  • Update all your apps from one source to minimize maintenance overhead
  • Upgrade your apps with trial Editions of Sencha Ext JS, Ranorex testing, and Aqua Data Studio
  • Design beautiful desktop and mobile App UIs
  • Code faster and smarter with robust frameworks and a feature-rich IDE
  • Debug faster with integrated native debugging
  • Create both desktop and mobile apps from one code base and deploy to Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux!
  • Extend the IDE with a broad range of tools and components that are available from the Delphi and C++Builder community

*После загрузки пробной версии RAD Studio вам будут отправлены отдельные электронные письма со ссылками для загрузки бесплатных пробных версий другого сопутствующего программного обеспечения, входящего в состав редакции Architect

What can you do with RAD Studio 12 | Ian Barker

RAD Studio

RAD Studio

What can you do with RAD Studio 12 | Ian Barker

All you need to know about the RAD Studio IDE | Ian Barker

RAD Studio

RAD Studio

All you need to know about the RAD Studio IDE | Ian Barker

OpenTools API in RAD Studio - TCoffeeAndCode

RAD Studio

RAD Studio

OpenTools API in RAD Studio - TCoffeeAndCode

Getting Started Object Pascal Notifications on iOS and Android

RAD Studio

RAD Studio

Getting Started Object Pascal Notifications on iOS and Android