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"Dev Days of Summer" 2024! Watch the Replay

Upgrade Offer Extended to August 31! Подробнее

Supercharge Your Mobile Development With Our Exclusive Training Offer! Подробнее

Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! Подробнее

InterBase 2020 Update 6, released! Подробнее

RAD Studio 12.1 Athens Now Available Подробнее

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Deep discounts available on InterBase 2020 for OEM or VARs – свяжитесь с отделом продаж

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Partner Programs

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Business Partner Directory

If you want to find a local selling or training partner, use the interactive directory below.

  • Read more about the Business Partner Program
  • Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. about our Business Partner Program
  • Read more information on Embarcadero’s Technology Partner Program

If your company is not listed below, please send an email to Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. and a representative will contact you shortly.

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Business, Reseller and Training Partner

Japan APAC 06-6631-8601 Visit Site
深圳市立诺软件有限公司(Shenzhen iPromise Software Co., Ltd.)

Business and Reseller Partner

China APAC 86.755. 2588.4181 ext. 8076 Visit Site