FireDAC Greatest Hits 24
Developer Skill Sprint - Intro to NoSQL with MongoDB and FireDAC
More information:
An introduction to working with MongoDB and FireDAC using the new Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 10 Seattle.


Developer Skill Sprint - Intro to NoSQL with MongoDB and FireDAC
8 - FireDAC Support for MongoDB NoSQL Database - Jim McKeeth
RAD Studio 10 Seattle Deep Dive technical session replay.
September 19, 2015
You’ve heard the buzz about RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 10 Seattle and now is the time to dive in and learn why everyone is so excited! These presentations take an in-depth look at all the new and enhanced features added with 10 Seattle!
Join David I and special guests from the Embarcadero team and RAD community for this deep dive session into the top new areas of RAD Studio / Delphi / C++Builder 10 and more!


8 - FireDAC Support for MongoDB NoSQL Database - Jim McKeeth
Connecting to MongoDB Using FireDAC
An introduction to using FireDAC and the Data Explorer in the RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder IDE to connect to MongoDB. Uses the TFDConnection, TFDMongoQuery to retrieve data and LiveBindings to bind the data to the user interface controls.


Connecting to MongoDB Using FireDAC
Connecting to Oracle Database Server Using FireDAC
An introduction to using FireDAC and the Data Explorer in the RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder IDE to connect to Oracle Database Server. Uses the TFDConnection, TFDMongoQuery to retrieve data and LiveBindings to bind the data to the user interface controls.


Connecting to Oracle Database Server Using FireDAC
FireDAC in Depth with Cary Jensen
FireDAC, RAD Studio's newest data access framework, has quickly become the data access framework of choice. This presentation, by author and database expert Cary Jensen, provides an overview of FireDAC’s more advanced capabilities and demonstrates how they can be used to add sophisticated features to your applications.
With its powerful universal architecture, FireDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere, Advantage DB, Firebird, Access, Informix, DataSnap and more, including the NoSQL Database MongoDB.
Class duration is approximately 42 minutes and followed by Q&A.
To Download the source code for this class:
Learn more about FireDAC here:
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FireDAC in Depth with Cary Jensen
How to Develop Your First MongoDB App in RAD Studio's FireDAC
Learn how to develop your first MongoDB application using RAD Studio's FireDAC by Embarcadero. FireDAC makes it easy to work with MongoDB document databases and it's a snap to setup sort, match, and projection for your query and display the data in a grid.
FireDAC is part of Delphi, RAD Studio, and C++Builder, and the MongoDB drivers are included in the Enterprise and Architect editions.
Get your free RAD Studio 30 Day license: and discover how much more you can do with the right developer tools.
Learn More about Embarcadero:


How to Develop Your First MongoDB App in RAD Studio's FireDAC
Enhancing FireDAC's Power and Capabilities by Adding and Customizing Script Commands
This session was presented by Miguel Moreno as part of Embarcadero's CodeRage 2018 virtual developers conference
Find additional resources and information for this session at
Find all the CodeRage 2018 replays at
Find out more about Embarcadero and its products at
Join the Embarcadero Developer Tools community at
FireDAC is the main data access engine included in Delphi and C++Builder, and one of its main features is its built-in scripting capability, which can be executed against any of the supported database engines. However, there are cases where you need additional custom scripting capabilities or you simply want to modify the way some of the built-in script commands work. Here we show how to add new custom script commands, modify the behavior of the built-in ones, and even disable them at will.


Enhancing FireDAC's Power and Capabilities by Adding and Customizing Script Commands
Cloud-Anwendungsentwicklung 22
When Delphi reaches the Cloud! - Dion Mai - Delphicon 2023
Let's apply serverless! Hands-on application of serverless(FaaS) with Delphi and Azure. Witch side can Delphi be used? Can it be both? Let's build one function from scratch to deploy with Dion Mai.
Part of Delphicon 2023
Dion Mai
Development Manager
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at


When Delphi reaches the Cloud! - Dion Mai - Delphicon 2023
Delphi XE6 Cloud Service (BaaS) Integration
Add functionality and platform services to your applications by integrating with leading Backend as a Service providers like Parse and Kinvey. Learn more about Delphi and download a free trial at


Delphi XE6 Cloud Service (BaaS) Integration
RAD Studio XE Preview | DataSnap e Cloud criando aplicações do amanhã hoje
Neste preview apresentamos as novidades relacionados ao desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas utilizando DataSnap XE integrado a Microsoft Azure, você verá servidores DataSnap Delphi e C++Builder conectados a Windows Azure, além de DataSnap client em Delphi XE e PHP.


RAD Studio XE Preview | DataSnap e Cloud criando aplicações do amanhã hoje
Using Amazon and Azure Cloud Services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 Applications
Learn how to use Amazon and Azure cloud services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 applications. This video is part of the 31 Days of RAD Studio XE2 Video Tutorials - Day 14 Tutorial. See more at


Using Amazon and Azure Cloud Services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 Applications
Why Does the Cloud Matter for a Delphi Developer - with Dion Carlos Mai
For more details on this session you can access the following link:
Join to see why the cloud is relevant in our current IT market. We will see the principal cloud technologies and how to apply them in your Delphi applications, independent of the cloud provider.
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at
0:00:00 - Mains session
0:35:18 - Q&A portion


Why Does the Cloud Matter for a Delphi Developer - with Dion Carlos Mai
Turn Existing Delphi/C++Builder Desktop Programs into Cloud Application in Less than a Month
Applications built with Delphi and C++ Builder for the Windows platform have proven to be indispensable instruments for businesses, but rewriting them for the cloud is often cost-prohibiting. rollApp offers a cloud platform that can run existing desktop applications in the cloud without any need to modify them. At this webinar you will learn how to move your application to the cloud and offer the benefits of a cloud solution to your users in a matter of a few weeks.
SPEAKERS: Vlad Pavlov, rollApp CEO, and Dima Malenko, rollApp CTO
More information:


Turn Existing Delphi/C++Builder Desktop Programs into Cloud Application in Less than a Month
2013-06-19-0900 Integrate Cloud Services Into Your iOS Apps - Bruno Fierens
TMS Software is one of our premier technology partners. TMS has been supporting FireMonkey since its first release. TMS also has supported FMX ofor iOS since its first release. This session will showcase many of the TMS components that work with iOS and across all of Delphi's target platforms. Included in this session will be demonstrations about how to use the TMS Pack for FireMonkey and accessing cloud services from iOS applications using the TMS Cloud Pack for iOS.
Bruno Fierens, TMS Software
This session took place on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 9am PDT.
Additional CodeRage Mobile session information is available at:


2013-06-19-0900 Integrate Cloud Services Into Your iOS Apps - Bruno Fierens
Flying in the Microsoft Azure Cloud - TCoffeeAndCode
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at
Table of contents:
0:00:00 - Greetings
0:01:08 - Introduction of Speakers
0:07:57 - Code Signing Implications and Requirements
0:11:52 - Stricter Microsoft Certificate Issues
0:24:49 - Almost Everything Requires a Certificate
0:25:20 - Using Azure with RAD Studio
0:36:34 - What is Azure?
0:38:40 - Azure and AWS Comparisons
1:08:31 - Store Keys in the Secrets Repository
1:16:00 - Confusion with FNC Controls
1:31:20 - Why We Love Delphi
1:44:09 - RAD Studio 11 Sneak Peek Announcement
1:44:43 - Upcoming TCoffeeAndCode Sessions


Flying in the Microsoft Azure Cloud - TCoffeeAndCode
Entwicklung von Enterprise-Anwendungen 22
Embarcadero Developer Direct Episode 2 - The Multi-Device Enterprise (US and Canada edition)
Sign up now for the April-June 2013 season at
This is a recording of the April 26, 2013 edition of the Embarcadero Developer Direct online session (US and Canada edition) - The Multi-Device Enterprise (Using Enterprise Data in Your Mobile Strategy)
Join the team of Embarcadero development and industry experts for relaxed and fun demo and discussion sessions covering Delphi, RAD Studio, C++Builder, InterBase and more. Raise your questions and interact live with both presenters and attendees as each week a new theme gives focus and direction to solve the every day challenges that professional software developers face.


Embarcadero Developer Direct Episode 2 - The Multi-Device Enterprise (US and Canada edition)
RAD in Action: Mobilizing your Business with Enterprise Mobility Services Middleware
RAD in Action: Mobilizing your Business with Enterprise Mobility Services Middleware
Cary Jensen - Jensen Data Systems, Inc
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Cary Jensen hosts this informative session to discuss why middleware is critical for mobilizing your business or Enterprise.
In this session, Cary will perform a technical deep-dive into the new Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) middleware platform to show you how to best extend your business and Enterprise into mobile clients. Learn how to manage and authenticate users, build custom REST APIs, move data between mobile clients and your Enterprise database backend, and how to analyze user behavior.
Cary will also compare and contrast EMS with the DataSnap SDK. This is a must-attend session for anyone mobilizing their solutions.
About the Presenter:
Cary Jensen is Chief Technology Officer of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Texas, USA-based company that is an Embarcadero Training Partner and that provides software training, development, and consulting services. Cary is an Embarcadero MVP and an award-winning, best-selling author of over twenty books, including his latest book, Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets. He is a popular speaker at conferences, workshops, and training seminars, and is widely regarded for his practical solutions to complex problems. Cary has a Ph.D. in Engineering Psychology from Rice University, specializing in human-computer interaction.
Home Page:


RAD in Action: Mobilizing your Business with Enterprise Mobility Services Middleware
10 - Enterprise Mobility Services - Al Mannarino
RAD Studio 10 Seattle Deep Dive technical session replay.
September 19, 2015
You’ve heard the buzz about RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 10 Seattle and now is the time to dive in and learn why everyone is so excited! These presentations take an in-depth look at all the new and enhanced features added with 10 Seattle!
Join David I and special guests from the Embarcadero team and RAD community for this deep dive session into the top new areas of RAD Studio / Delphi / C++Builder 10 and more!


10 - Enterprise Mobility Services - Al Mannarino
Enterprise Mobility Services for Delphi XE8
Delphi XE8
The Fastest Connected App Platform for Windows and Beyond
Enterprise Mobility Services is a turnkey solution for today’s interconnected, distributed apps, offering an easy to deploy middleware server that hosts loadable custom API and data access modules.
Simply create an EMS package using either Object Pascal or C++, register a specific resource (with a matching URI location), and write code to handle the corresponding requests.
It’s based on open and standard technologies, including REST HTTP calls and JSON data formats, and provides major SQL database drivers along with an encrypted embedded and server SQL database. EMS is a middleware solution that is stateless, restful, scalable, and secure.
With EMS you can use the included InterBase database or select any other supported Enterprise SQL database.
Easily manage custom APIs exposed through standard REST JSON interfaces.
Accessing those APIs is incredibly easy with wizards, ready-to-use components and the new management console, making the development process extremely smooth and well integrated.
EMS automatically provides real-time analytics to track your users’ activity and the REST APIs they are calling. The new Push Notifications server support for iOS and Android allows developers to deliver event driven notifications to the end user's device through EMS.
XE8 also includes support for native HTTP and HTTPS client libraries on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.
Navigate the users and group lists to view the online daily activity and history. View overall REST API usage at the yearly, monthly, and daily level, and drill down on individual REST resources, including individual REST API calls.
