C++ Programming 25
Embarcadero - Inspire. Develop. Excel.
We are extremely proud of the community support that we receive and the creative ideas that this generates. In fact, the 10.1 Berlin launch introduces some themes that will be pillars to our customer outreach strategy this year that came from you. These themes are best described by three words: Inspire. Develop. Excel.
Inspire young developers across the globe. Delphi is not only a great language to develop applications, but it is the best to learn and to appreciate programming. We owe educators and developers to support Delphi’s popularity and we will continue to further the evangelization of such a great product. The connection that this base provides to C++ and other languages (even Java) will strengthen our role in the overall developer ecosystem.
Develop amazing applications used by millions. Indeed so many applications are built with our tools, and we continue to be delighted every day to find old and new examples. We need to proactively share this information with developers to reinforce the confidence in our technology and tools.
Excel in building incredible products. At the end, it is all about the product and the value that we bring to our customers. We have a strong vision, commitment, and a great team to deliver on that promise. We also have the ingredients and our releases are a testament to the results that we deliver. 2016 should be another great year of product releases with increased focus on updates to make upgrades far easier.


Embarcadero - Inspire. Develop. Excel.
C++ in Action: Move your C++ projects to C++Builder 10 Seattle
C++ in Action Webinar: Move your C++ projects to C++Builder 10 Seattle
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The Embarcadero C++ team presented a 1.5 hour online webinar showing C++ developers the fastest way migrate your projects to C++Builder 10 Seattle and build/update data-rich, hyper connected, visually engaging applications for Windows 10, Mobile, IoT and more using Standard C++11.
How to quickly migrate your C++Builder projects to C++Builder 10 Seattle
Update Your Apps UI/UX with the All New Windows 10 Look and Feel
C++11 language features for Win32, Win64, iOS and Android apps
Application Tethering for VCL and FireMonkey using C++
MultiThreading with System.Threading for Mobile and Desktop Apps
and more…
The slides for this Webinar are available on SlideShare at http://www.slideshare.net/davidintersimone/c-in-action-webinar-move-your-c-projects-to-cbuilder-10-seattle
C++Builder 10 Seattle - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Main_Page
C++ Reference - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/C%2B%2B_Reference
C++Builder Developer's Guide - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/C%2B%2BBuilder_Developer%27s_Guide
Clang-enhanced C++ Compilers - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Clang-enhanced_C%2B%2B_Compilers
Parallel compilation with Clang-enhanced compilers to significantly decrease compile/build times - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Clang-enhanced_C%2B%2B_Compilers#Using_Parallel_Compilation
C++Builder 64-bit Windows Application Development - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/C%2B%2BBuilder_64-bit_Windows_Application_Development
C++11 Language Features Compliance Status - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/C%2B%2B11_Language_Features_Compliance_Status
Dinkumware Standard C++ Library - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Dinkumware_Standard_C%2B%2B_Library
Boost Libraries - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Boost
Delphi RTTI and C++Builder - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Delphi_RTTI_and_C%2B%2BBuilder
Embarcadero Technology Partner Directory Search
Use this web app to find compatible 3rd party components for your version(s) of C++Builder (you can search by company name, product name or versions of C++Builder from 6 to 10 Seattle)
Unicode Support in C++Builder
Al Mannarino's recent blog post about C++Builder Unicode migration tips and tricks - https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/blog-menu/entry/migrating-legacy-c-builder-apps-to-c-builder-10-seattle
Enabling C++ Applications for Unicode - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Enabling_C%2B%2B_Applications_for_Unicode
Using TEncoding for Unicode files - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Using_TEncoding_for_Unicode_Files
Unicode Migration Resources - https://www.embarcadero.com/rad-in-action/migration-upgrade-center
Migrating C++ code to Mobile from Desktop
New VCL and FMX support for Windows 10 in C++Builder 10 Seattle
Common differences between VCL and FMX - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Commonly_Encountered_Differences_Between_the_VCL_and_FireMonkey
Migrating VCL to FMX - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Migrating_VCL_Applications_to_FireMonkey
Parallel Programming Library (PPL) and C++Builder
Using the PPL - http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Using_the_Parallel_Programming_Library


C++ in Action: Move your C++ projects to C++Builder 10 Seattle
Skill Sprint: C++ Regular Expressions and TRegEx - Al Mannarino
C++Builder Developer Skill Sprint - Regular Expressions and TRegEx
Al Mannarino - Embarcadero Technologies
Thursday, December 10, 2015
RAD Studio Learning Resources
RAD Studio Regular Expressions Classes and Info Site
PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
Perl 5 Regular Expression Syntax
RTL RegEx Samples (Delphi and C++ Builder) on SourceForge
VCL - http://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Seattle/Object%20Pascal/RTL/RegExpression/vcl/
FMX - http://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Seattle/Object%20Pascal/RTL/RegExpression/fmx/
C++ Builder
VCL -http://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Seattle/CPP/RTL/RegExpression/vcl/
FMX -http://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Seattle/CPP/RTL/RegExpression/fmx/
C++ Builder 10 Seattle RTL TRegEx Samples (VCL and FMX) on Code Central: http://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30455
Additional Delphi and C++ Builder Samples and Learning Resources
TRegExReplace (Delphi): http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Seattle/en/TRegExReplace_(Delphi)
TMatchCollectionCount (Delphi): http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Seattle/en/TMatchCollectionCount_(Delphi)
TRegExReplace (C++): http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Seattle/en/TRegExReplace_(C%2B%2B)
TMatchCollectionCount (C++): http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Seattle/en/TMatchCollectionCount_(C%2B%2B)
System.RegularExpressions.TMatchEvaluator is used in
TRegExReplace (C++)
TRegExReplace (Delphi)


Skill Sprint: C++ Regular Expressions and TRegEx - Al Mannarino
Internet of Things 28
#32 - Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino
More Information: http://embt.co/crx-blog
Connect one or more Arduino boards to your Delphi application, collect and process the data they send, and make them talk to each other
Boian Mitov
Mitov Software
CodeRage X


#32 - Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino

Using the Wahoo Digital Scale ThingConnect IoT component in your Delphi Apps

IoT em Ação: Posto de Enfermagem: Demostração
Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino with BoianMitov - CodeRage XI
More information: http://embt.co/CodeRageXI
Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Visuino Connect to Arduino or ESP8266 type devices from Delphi using USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE, or MQTT over Internet.
Boian Mitov is a software developer and founder of Mitov Software, specialized in the areas of Video, Audio, Digital Signal Processing, Data Acquisition, Hardware Control, Industrial Automation, Communications, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, parallel and distributed computing. He is author of the OpenWire open source technology, the IGDI+ open source library, the VideoLab, SignalLab, AudioLab, PlotLab, InstrumentLab, VisionLab, IntelligenceLab, AnimationLab, and CommunicationLab libraries, OpenWire Studio, Visuino, and author of the “VCL for Visual C++” technology.
Get RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 http://embt.co/BerlinUpdate2


Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino with BoianMitov - CodeRage XI
30 - Create IoT solutions with RAD Studio and Arduino
Create IoT solutions with RAD Studio and Arduino
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Technical Session #30
10:00am - 10:45am
Connect one or more Arduino boards to your Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio applications, collect and process the data they send, and make them talk to each other
Level: All
Boian Mitov - Mitov Software


30 - Create IoT solutions with RAD Studio and Arduino

Using the Polar H7 Heart Rate Monitor ThingConnect IoT component in your Delphi Apps
Developer Skill Sprint: Spelunking Bluetooth Low Energy Devices - David I
Developer Skill Sprint: Spelunking Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
David Intersimone 'David I' - Embarcadero Technologies
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
This skill sprint shows you how to work with Bluetooth Low Energy based devices and how to develop multi-device applications that leverage devices that have standard and non-standard profiles, services and characteristics. Bluetooth Low Energy or Smart Bluetooth provides a new environment for devices with small amount of data to transfer and lower power consumption.
To spelunk Bluetooth Low Energy devices, you can use the ExploreDevicesLE sample application that ships with RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder. The source code projects for the Delphi and C++ versions of the sample can be dowloaded from CodeCentral using the link in the skill sprint blog post.
Skill Sprint Blog post with resources: http://embt.co/sprint-ble


Developer Skill Sprint: Spelunking Bluetooth Low Energy Devices - David I
Skia4Delphi 8
Move Your UI to the 23rd Century-Build a Data Dashboard with Delphi & Skia. Engage! - w/ Ian Barker
For more details on this session you can access the following link: https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/talks/move-your-ui-to-the-23rd-century-building-a-data-dashboard-with-delphi-and-skia-engage
Do you want to create the most amazing custom user interfaces with wonderful fonts that have things like gradient fills and other effects applied to them? Do you want to WOW users with blindingly fast scaled graphics? Join Ian as he uses Delphi and Skia to recreate a FULLY WORKING 23rd Century starship computer live dashboard to show off the techniques and capabilities of Delphi and Skia without the need to learn Klingon, deal with the Ferengi or avoid The Borg Collective. You *don't* have to be a Trekkie or geek to enjoy this session - but it does help. Full speed ahead, warp factor 9, Engage!! (Queue uplifting orchestral music and whooshing spaceship sounds).
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com
0:00:00 - Main session
0:41:10 - Q&A portion


Move Your UI to the 23rd Century-Build a Data Dashboard with Delphi & Skia. Engage! - w/ Ian Barker
Skia Mobile Splash Screen
Short demo of using Skia for some nice mobile application usage, including a Splash Screen, Signing a document, generating a PDF, and a QR code.
An excerpt from the Skia4Delphi webinar
Find more about Skia4Delphi and get the code
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Skia Mobile Splash Screen
Space Computer Demo with Skia4Delphi
Ian Barker shows off the Skia powered LCARS interface he created.
You can find his code here:
This is an excerpt from the Skia4Delphi webinar
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Space Computer Demo with Skia4Delphi
Brick Breaking Demo with Skia4Delphi and Ian Barker
An excerpt from the Skia4Delphi webinar
Download the source and learn more about Skia4Delphi
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Brick Breaking Demo with Skia4Delphi and Ian Barker
Skia Shader Language Overview
Short overview of working with the Skia Shader Language with examples using the Skia4Delphi library.
An excerpt from the Skia4Delphi webinar
Get the code
Check out Skia4Delphi
Learn more about Embarcadero


Skia Shader Language Overview
Lottie & Telegram Stickers with Skia for Delphi
Excerpt from the Skia4Delphi webinar:
Download the code:
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Lottie & Telegram Stickers with Skia for Delphi
Supercharge Your User Interface with Skia4Delphi - Webinar Replay
What do Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, and Delphi all have in common? They have accelerated graphics thanks to Skia. This high-performance, cross-platform 2D graphics library is taking the development world by storm. It works with VCL and FireMonkey on every platform Delphi supports. One line of code can make your existing FireMonkey applications faster, or take it further and unlock new features for breathtaking user interfaces.
Skia4Delphi is an open source project by Spirit of Delphi Award winners and brothers, Paulo César Botelho Barbosa & Vinícius Felipe Botelho Barbosa. So how do you use Skia4Delphi and take your application development to the next level? You've come to the right place.
Slides, links and more:
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Supercharge Your User Interface with Skia4Delphi - Webinar Replay
Skia4Delphi Webinar Preview
What do Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, and Delphi all have in common? They have accelerated graphics thanks to Skia. This high-performance, cross-platform 2D graphics library is taking the development world by storm. It works with VCL and FireMonkey on every platform Delphi supports. One line of code can make your existing FireMonkey applications faster, or take it further and unlock new features for breathtaking user interfaces.
Skia4Delphi is an open source project by Spirit of Delphi Award winners and brothers, Paulo César Botelho Barbosa & Vinícius Felipe Botelho Barbosa. So how do you use Skia4Delphi and take your application development to the next level? Register now and join Jim McKeeth and Ian Barker in this webinar to find out!
Slides, replay, links and more: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/?p=140459
Skia4Delphi https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Skia4Delphi Webinar Preview
FireDAC Greatest Hits 24
ClientDataSets and FDMemTables Compared
ClientDataSets and FDMemTables Compared
Cary Jensen - Jensen Data Systems, Inc.
CodeRage 9 - Object Pascal Track
Thursday, October 30, 2014 - 5am Pacific Time
ClientDataSets are in-memory tables that have been in RAD Studio since Delphi 3, but there's a new kid in town, the FireDAC FDMemTable. This presentation, by ClientDataSet expert Cary Jensen, compares and contrasts these in-memory table classes, providing you with guidance on which to use and when.
