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Extend your VCL and FireMonkey Apps with Mobile, Cloud, Wearables and the Internet of Things

RAD Studio offre aux développeurs une plateforme dotée de tous les outils nécessaires pour étendre leurs applications Windows VCL ou FireMonkey existantes à des systèmes mobiles, à des dispositifs portables et à l'Internet des objets. Ces solutions sont sous-tendues par des applications distribuées et connectées, déployées sous Windows, Android, iOS, OS X et sur des dispositifs portables (montres intelligentes), des appareils pour l'Internet des objets (capteurs de proximité Beacons), des solutions de middleware, des systèmes sous-jacents d'entreprise, des services Cloud hébergés.

As a power user the new productivity features and clipboard history is a huge plus! It has never been so easy to get things done quickly! Great work Embarcadero!

Anthony WestSoftware Developer - The Analytical Group, Inc

Check out some Exemples de code and get started extending your app with great new features!

Support Windows, OS X, Android and iOS With One High Performance Codebase

With Delphi and C++Builder in RAD Studio, and the FireMonkey framework, you can write a connected app once and natively target Android, iOS (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), OS X, and the Internet of Things from a single IDE and single source code base. Maximize your development effort using one solution to deliver stunning connected apps for Windows, OS X, mobile and the Internet of Things.



Une solution de détection des balises de proximité pour développeurs

BeaconFence est une solution de détection des balises de proximité destinée aux développeurs souhaitant suivre avec précision les événements et déplacements de l'utilisateur (en intérieur/extérieur) prenant en charge des zones radiales et géométriques – quels que soient l'emplacement physique et la configuration des lieux. Il suffit ainsi de tracer le plan des locaux et la position des balises pour suivre les informations de positionnement au centimètre près. En créant des zones rectangulaires et radiales, vous pouvez notamment contrôler avec des événements de rappel les intersections, les entrées/sorties, etc. Avec BeaconFence, les développeurs accèdent à un niveau supérieur de prise en charge des balises de proximité en intégrant à leurs applications une localisation spatiale précise – en intérieur comme en extérieur.

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Build Connected Apps with App Tethering

App tethering enables you to rapidly build and extend app user experiences across multiple connected apps over different platforms, devices, and gadgets. This is especially powerful for extending the utility of existing desktop and mobile apps. Virtually all industries can immediately benefit, such as Point of Sale, Food Services, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Shipping; the applications are limitless.

Build connected apps with App Tethering and take advantage of:

  • Proximity awareness powered by Beacons
  • Auto device discovery
  • Discover other applications that are using App Tethering
  • Trigger events and methods on other devices
  • Remote control apps
  • Share data between connected apps

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Proximity Awareness with Beacons

Now is the time to start building innovative IoT solutions with exciting new technologies like proximity awareness powered by Beacons!

RAD Studio provides developers the necessary tools to rapidly design, build, and deploy connected apps that deliver innovative IoT solutions. Component level support for beacons brings your app into the IoT fold with support of proximity awareness, contextual identification, and much more! Easily extend your existing VCL Windows apps to take advantage of beacon technology!


Bluetooth & WiFi Built-in Supports Thousands of Devices

RAD Studio integrates Bluetooth and WiFi support at the component level in the RTL. This support enables developers to take full advantage of IoT gadgets and devices that communicate over Bluetooth or WiFi.

RAD Studio integrated wireless support works with thousands of "off the shelf" consumer and industry specific devices. RAD Studio's approach makes it easy to integrate virtually any device into the app user experience, and even support multiple device vendors with the same code.


Connect With Popular BaaS Providers and Cloud Services Using Native HTTP Libraries

Bring your VCL Windows app to the cloud with RAD Studio! Integrate cloud based services from Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers, Kinvey, Parse, and App42 with components for popular BaaS services like notifications, user management, and storage. You get easy access to these common services in the cloud without having to build them yourself or maintain them. Add user authentication to your apps. Use push notifications to engage your users. Access data and object storage in the cloud. The REST Client library, available on all platforms, simplifies the invocation of REST web services by any third party provider, such as, Facebook, eBay, Amazon, Google, etc.

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