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Developer Experts

Business and Consulting Partner

Deals In:

World Region: EMEA

Description: You need to modernize or migrate an existing project? - We provide help moving your project to current Delphi versions - We clean your component zoo and migrate your project to current libraries - You are still using BDE, IBX, IBO or other outdated DB components? We created our own custom tools that make migrating to FireDAC a painless process!

Produits: Delphi, InterBase

Servicing Countries: Allemagne

Site Web:

Contact Info:

Address 1: Saarstr. 2c

Ville: Bad Homburg

Code postal: 61350

Pays: Germany

Contact Name: Olaf Monien

E-mail: [email protected]

Téléphone: +4969175548151

Phone Alt: +4969175548150