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MVP Directory

Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best
Abdelali Zekiri

Abdelali Zekiri


Location: France

Abdullah ILGAZ

Abdullah ILGAZ


Location: Turkey

Adriano Santos

Adriano Santos

HTML5 Builder Delphi

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Ahmed Sayed

Ahmed Sayed


Location: Al Qahira, Egypt

Ahmet Nuri DENİZ

Ahmet Nuri DENİZ

FireMonkey Delphi

Location: İstanbul, Turkey

Alan Fletcher

Alan Fletcher


Location: Bothell, WA, United States

Alan Glei Gomes da Silva

Alan Glei Gomes da Silva

DB Optimizer FireMonkey Interbase Delphi

Location: Natal-RN, Brazil

Alessandro Porto Medeiros

Alessandro Porto Medeiros


Academia do Código

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alexander Bozhko

Alexander Bozhko


Location: Pesochin Kharkov rgn., Ukraine

Ali Dehbansiahkarbon

Ali Dehbansiahkarbon

RAD Server Delphi

Senior software developer

Location: Antalya, Turkey

Alister Christie

Alister Christie


Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Allen Bauer

Allen Bauer


Location: United States

Allen Drennan

Allen Drennan


Location: California, United States

Anders Ohlsson

Anders Ohlsson

Interbase C++Builder Delphi

Location: Scotts Valley, CA, United States

André Luis Celestino

André Luis Celestino


Location: Paraná, Brazil

Andrea Magni

Andrea Magni

FireMonkey Interbase Delphi

Location: Milan, Italy

Andrey Efimov

Andrey Efimov


Location: Moscow, Russian Federation

Ansgar Becker

Ansgar Becker


Ansgar Becker Software Development

Location: Neuenkirchen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Arnaud Bouchez

Arnaud Bouchez


Location: Europe, France

Bernd Ua

Bernd Ua

RAD Studio Delphi

Location: Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany