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- 他システムとの連携、Web化、モバイルサポートなど、システムの拡張を検討している。
- 技術的な課題があり、製品導入を決定できないでいる。
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- Windowsアプリケーション向けの業界最高水準のフレームワークを利用可能
- 豊富なビジュアルコンポーネントセットを用いてアプリケーションをビジュアルに設計/構築
- UIや機能の改善を超高速で反復しテスト可能
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入門ビデオ 45
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Why C++Builder?
C++ has consistently dominated "Top Programming Languages" lists worldwide this year. With such a strong demand, C++ developers are well-positioned to experience a good problem: too much work.
Join presenter and C++Builder Product Manager, David Millington, to explore the features and functionality that set C++Builder apart by helping C++ developers worldwide build stunning apps faster. Additionally, get an exclusive sneak peek into the powerful updates coming soon to C++Builder.
This webinar aired live on Wednesday, August 29, 2018
David Millington is a long-time C++ and Delphi developer. Originally from Australia, he now lives in far north Europe, a decision he loves every summer when he has 22 hours of daylight, before deciding he's crazy every winter with 22 hours of night. Since joining Embarcadero in 2016, he has worked as the senior product manager for C++, the RAD Studio IDE and debugger.
Embarcadero tools are built for elite developers who build and maintain the world’s most critical applications. Our customers choose Embarcadero because we are the champion of developers, and we help them build more secure and scalable enterprise applications faster than any other tools on the market. In fact, ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide have relied on Embarcadero's award-winning products for over 30 years.


Why C++Builder?
Lesson 1: C++ Introduction and Agenda - Mastering C++ Fundamentals
Master the basics of C++ with this set of lessons from Byte Academy and Embarcadero Technologies. Lesson 1 of 13.
Full Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwUPJvR9mZHh190uJ_4PvY5ffEPqLqAGf
Download C++Builder today and get a 30-day free trial. Visit https://www.embarcadero.com/products/cbuilder/start-for-free to get started.
C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension to the C language. C++ gives programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory.
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Embarcadero tools are built for elite developers who build and maintain the world’s most critical applications. Our customers choose Embarcadero because we are the champion of developers, and we help them build more secure and scalable enterprise applications faster than any other tools on the market. In fact, ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide have relied on Embarcadero's award-winning products for over 30 years.
For more information about Embarcadero Technologies Inc, please call at +1 888.233.2224 to speak with one of our professionals today! or simply visit Our Website - https://www.embarcadero.com/
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Lesson 1: C++ Introduction and Agenda - Mastering C++ Fundamentals
C++Builder 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition introduction video
C++Builder Starter Edition is a great way to get started building high-performance C++ applications for Windows without database connectivity. C++Builder Starter includes a streamlined IDE, code editor, 32-bit Windows compiler, integrated debugger, two-way visual designers to speed development, hundreds of visual components, and a limited commercial use license.
Additional information is available on the C++Builder Starter Edition page at https://www.embarcadero.com/products/cbuilder/starter


C++Builder 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition introduction video
Getting Started with Windows and Mac Development - Lesson 1, C++
Register for free access to the complete series at http://embt.co/FireMonkeyGettingStarted
Getting Started with Windows and Mac Development
Lesson 1 -- Introduction to FireMonkey and Development Environment Setup
C++ version
